Monday, December 19, 2011

Make Like a Tree

And leave.  Oh wait, there are no leaves.  But thank you, thank you PM for my new Glory Red Maple trees.  I know he really didn't have a choice, but I am so excited that I got the trees I ask for.  He can't not give me the nasty holly bushes, but the maples more than make up for it.

This is what it will look like come next fall

This week is touch up week.  A blue tape roll exploded in there.  They were taking care of seams and drywall issues when I stopped by today.

Today we also received the Baby-T for the transition from the hardwood to the carpet.  It looks much better now.  Without it there was a hard edge on the hardwood.

And last, but not least, they painted the foundation


  1. I wish we got sod throughout the whole yard. We get the front, seed on side and back. Probably better for us though, my two big boxers would tear up the sod!
    I hear a good trick is to walk through with your own blue tape and find any spots they miss.
    Looks great!

  2. Did they paint your brick foundation or the foundation walls that were poured? I don't think I've seen any houses in our plan with a painted foundation.

    I don't think we get sod at all (maybe in the front next spring). Right now everyone just has straw and the landscaping and some of the driveways will be done in April/May.

    That tree is awesome, it's going to look great.
